Cj, Samantha, and I had a wonderful time while exploring parts of Charlotte and going to different places that were special to them for their engagement photos. We started at The Boardwalk in Charlotte, which is a place they liked to visit early in their relationship, then we went to the gym and I took photos of the two working out, something they love to do together, and we ended the night at UNCC, where they both attended, with Cj's bike. I was so happy to be able to get pictures in meaningful places for them.
The two are getting married in Charleston, South Carolina this June and I am thrilled to be a part of their big day. I don't think I have ever worked with a couple that makes me laugh as much as they do.. I hope you enjoy these photos of this sweet couple, as well as some questions that I asked them!
Where did you guys meet? -At the gym through a mutual friend.
What were your initial thoughts when you met?
Sam- I thought Cj was cute but very quiet and shy.
Cj- I thought "damn she looks good, and she works out!"
What did you do on your first date?
Sam- Cj took me on his motorcycle for a ride, where we ended up in middle of nowhere SC and had lunch at Wendy's and Dairy Queen inside a gas station.
What kind of things do you like to do together?
We like to sleep and cuddle, workout, eat and drink, binge watch TV shows and movies, and play with our dogs.
Cj, When did you know you wanted to marry Sam?
After she bought me a Dyson vacuum for my graduation. I said "yea, she's a keeper!"
Sam, how did he propose?
Oh boy this is a long one! So we planned a bowling night/ next day cookout with all of our close friends last April. As we are all getting ready to leave the house to go bowling, Cj said he took the wrong keys home from work and needed to go switch them out because they were his manager's. We headed to his job while everyone else headed to the bowling alley. When we got to O'charleys (Cj's work) he told me to sit down at the bar and he would be right back. When I got there his manager came up to me and was just making small talk and then handed me a note that Cj wrote. On the inside it said "would you ever forgive me if I never called you my girlfriend again?" When I looked up there was a video starting on the TV and it was of Cj flying to Colorado to ask my parents permission to ask me to marry him. As the video was playing all of our friends came in from outside the restaurant and at the end Jason Derulo's Marry Me song came on. One of our friends moved me to a new seat, where Cj walked up an aisle lined with candles singing the song. When he got down on one knee, the song ended and he asked if I would marry him. And clearly I said yes! We all went bowling and the cookout the next day was actually to celebrate and spend time with family and friends.
CJ, were you scared to ask her?
Nope, I knew she'd say yes!
What are you most looking forward to in your marriage?
Cj: having children down the road...
Sam: just seeing where our future takes us! Kids, jobs, everything!
Tell me something funny and/or sweet about one another.
Cj: she makes really good spaghetti, the best our kids will ever have. And she takes beer bongs like a pro!
Sam: he brings out my inner child, always finding a way to make me laugh!